Returning a Family Legacy

We love working with buyers that have a strong connection to our valley. In this particular instance, we were on the task for a specific property. And by specific, we don’t mean our buyers had a long list of non-negotiables. We mean…a specific address.

See, this particular condo perched atop Elkhorn, was once owned by our client’s father. Sold decades ago when the family stopped visiting Sun Valley as frequently, it was a pipe dream to get it back into the family.

Well, the stars aligned and shortly after sending a letter to the current owners, the property hit the market! We are so thankful for the timing to have worked out and the stunning remodel from the previous owners was a welcome perk.

Sun Valley condos, particularly in Elkhorn are wonderful investment opportunities as the amenities are plentiful and the access to Sun Valley and Downtown Ketchum is a breeze. Known for being a bit more family-friendly, Elkhorn is perfect for getting the most out of your investment dollar while offering potential rental income when not in use!